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5 résultats trouvés
Système The Vest®
Le système de dégagement des voies respiratoires "The Vest®" utilise la technologie d’oscillation haute fréquence de la paroi thoracique pour déloger le mucus des parois des bronches et mobilise les sécrétions et le mucus des voies respiratoires des plus petites vers les plus grandes, où ils peuvent être éliminés au moyen d’une toux ou d’une succion.
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You are not alone on your journey with chronic lung disease. Your care team is there for you, helping you manage your illness and live your best life. So it makes sense to do as much as possible to help everybody work better as a team. That’s the idea behind the new Bluetooth®-enabled VisiVest® Airway Clearance System. The VisiVest System connects patients and care teams, sending data about therapy sessions so everyone can collaborate in making tailored care decisions*.
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The Monarch® Airway Clearance System is a high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) therapeutic device with revolutionary new technology. The therapy combines mobility with targeted kinetic energy and airflow to thin and mobilize secretions from the airways. By allowing patients to move about freely during therapy, it empowers them to take control of their therapy – and their lives.
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The MetaNeb® System is indicated for the mobilization of secretions, lung expansion therapy, the treatment and prevention of pulmonary atelectasis, and has the ability to provide supplemental oxygen when used with compressed oxygen. The MetaTherapy Treatment maximizes efficiency for patients and clinicians by combining lung expansion, secretion clearance and aerosol delivery into a single integrated therapy by the MetaNeb® System.

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The VitalCough® System from Hill-Rom is a noninvasive therapy that stimulates a cough to remove secretions in patients with compromised peak cough flow. Designed to be easy to use for trained caregivers and patients at home, hospital, nursing care or rehabilitation settings.
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