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The Hill-Rom® Advanta™ Bed is designed to help caregivers provide more care with a lot less effort. It features safety entry and exit, alerts to help prevent patient falls, and more convenience for patients.
* For information only. Product has been discontinued.

The Hill-Rom® Envision® surface is the peace of mind solution for managing pressure, moisture, friction and shear in patients at high risk of skin breakdown. Designed to address all four key factors affecting pressure ulcer healing, it is the surface of choice for caregivers wanting to provide an ideal safe skin environment for their compromised patients.

The Excel Care® ES Bed helps you deliver exceptional care while comfortably supporting a range of patient needs.

The new Compella™ Bariatric bed offers caregivers the ability to effectively care for patients of size with innovative features that enhance patient dignity, drive efficiency and ease of use and provide safe patient care.

The HillRom® 300 Wound Surface with alternating pressure and low air loss capabilities is an affordable option for a range of care settings. From the hospital to the home, this easy to use surface has features and safety components to support the needs of patients and caregivers.

TotalCare® Bed helps you effectively treat conditions related to immobility.

The VersaCare® Bed offers state-of-the-art technology enabling high quality care for mid to high acuity patients through advanced solutions supporting patient safety, patient mobilization, and skin care. The bed also assists caregivers with daily care making their job easier.

The Progressa™ bed system responds to the evolving needs of caregivers, patients and health care facilities. More than just a bed, the Progressa bed system is a therapeutic device that acts as a seamless extension of the health care team.