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Lève-personne Golvo®

Sometimes it’s difficult to choose between a mobile lift and an overhead lift. Liko has simplified that choice with the design success of the Golvo® lift. The Golvo patient lift is unique in the fact that it combines the functionality of an overhead lift with the flexibility of a mobile patient lift. With its vertical lifting principle and pliable lift strap, the Golvo lift offers flexibility and versatility.
Pièces et accessoires
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Accessories & Others (6 items)loader...
Bearings (3 items)loader...
Casters - Covers - Base frame (2 items)loader...
Control & Flexible Arm Pendant - Lockout (3 items)loader...
Grommets (1 items)loader...
Housing & Casings (1 items)loader...
Mobile Lifts (8 items)loader...
Rings (1 items)loader...
Screws (3 items)loader...
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